Someone told me that when it comes to writing, you should write what you know. Well, this is what I think I know and I would like to share it. Like millions out there, I am a Sex and the City fan. Not only do I watch the series over and over again, I can now easily understand and predict any character's reaction to any situation. So as far as the story, shoes, men, sex and fashion goes, sure they do know the best. But when it comes to real relationships, I (like Carrie Bradshaw in all her columns), begin to wonder, are 'they' there yet? I know its all fiction and I know that its just a story, but for fans like me, don't we deserve a bit more? Sure, Samantha is one of her kind and Carrie is of course made to be different, but they are human characters right?
The reason I am being judgmental about their life decisions is that fact that ever since I have seen Sex and the City - the Movie, I have thought about this time and again. How come even at the age of 50, Samantha can't slow down? Its human to slow down after so many years no matter how you are. And for Carrie, isn't she the kind of confident character who is supposed to know what she wants in life? She has been taking perfect decisions about her career, but when it comes to marriage with Big, the audience can understand the 'feeling' she gets to marry him, but the type of wedding (base of the movie's story) is so not a match. Carrie would surely know what she wants. And buying the right dress would be a part she would not skip on. Moreover, the huge wedding drama - nope, she is in no way made for that. There is a sudden change of her character there - how can anyone digest that?
But yes, may be I consider these to be story flaws, but they have surely helped me move on from my Sex and the city addiction. I don't blindly consider everything in the show perfect anymore. Thank God, the movie has made me open my eyes to the 'right'.
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