Thursday, April 10, 2008

Navratras -

It seems the very idea of fasting throughout navratras is outdated now. I remember, there were times when everybody just loved the idea to fast. It was more like an 'in' deed. And fortunately or unfortunately, but I am still stuck to the idea. I still find it fulfilling and satisfying. I sometimes wonder, is it me who is glued to the age old beliefs or it is everyone else - trying to be different?

Like you must have understood by now, I am fasting. And its surprising to note that none of my friends are. I mean absolutely no one is fasting. Most of them will be fasting only on the last two days (today and tomorrow) and in fact, many of them are happy not fasting. Not to mention that I have been teased by them munching all tasty stuff. Huh! I thought, whats the big deal man?

1 comment:

priyankascribe said...

dont worry i m accompanying u